Snapp Inc. التطبيقات

Snapp Builder
Snapp Inc.
Snapp Builder is the world's fastest growingmobile platform for business.Create your own website and app for free in minutes! No codingskills or technical knowledge needed.Our users are mainly from mobile-only countries, where desktopcomputers are not common.We empower people & businesses to come online, own their mobilepresence, and grow!FEATURES:- FREE app on Aptoide- FREE apk file- FREE mobile website- Multiple app categories to choose from.- Rearrangeable themes to better suit your needs.- Live updates:. Versatile design to personalize your app with your own images andtext- Social Media integration, connect your Facebook, YouTube andTwitter to your app- Publishing to multiple app store platforms (Web, Aptoide, GooglePlay)- Send push notifications to your users- Additional services4 KEY CATEGORIES:- BUSINESSAre you a store? A restaurant? A gym? A hospital or any otherbusiness? Snapp is what you need!Create your mobile website & mobile app, create a unique 1:1communication to keep clients up-to-date with all the news aboutyour business, allow them to contact you, to book appointments, tobuy your products and many other services!Businesses with a mobile presence can increase their revenue up to40%. What are you waiting for?- EVENTSDo you want to give your event an innovative taste, increase theengagement with your audience and keep them up-do-date on all thenews regarding speakers, locations and key activities? Then whatyou need to do is just create your own mobile website and app withSnapp!Engaged fans are the most powerful word-of-mouth weapon and you canstay in touch with them also for future events!- BLOGSIn Snapp we firmly believe in the power of spreading information.Everybody of us has an interest or a passion which can have a bigimpact on multiple people. It is our mission to make this poweravailable for everybody. We have teachers who created apps fortheir students, students that created apps for other students,doctors who created apps to educate on important health issues andmany more. Blogs are also for fun: gaming communities or personaldiaries are powerful ways to connect people through informationsand personal experiences.You have the power to educate the world, now with Snapp you canexpress it at its best!- NO-PROFITSThere are people fighting everyday against wars, discriminations,repressions, hanger and illnesses.We want to give a voice to all these initiatives and to improve ourworld day after day.NGOs and No-Profit organisations have the chance to sensibilise thepublic on specific issues, raise awareness on their achievementsand future projects to gather the fundings required.With Snapp, your voice will not remain unheard and people will knowabout your efforts.
Snapp View 0.0.2
Snapp Inc.
Snapp View allows you to quickly and easilypreview your Snapp apps on a device.To build your app with Snapp, download "Snapp Builder" from theplaystore( building with Snapp.ccHow to:1. Insert your app name2. Preview your app3. Shake to exit
Seemba - Build a website for your business 1.7.0
Snapp Inc.
We live in a mobile world: dominated bysmartphones, websites and mobile services.Like you, all your clients are looking for information on theinternet. Every day.Google searches, maps, directories and aggregators is where clientsfind what they need. If your business is not in all these places,you are losing precious clients every day.WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT?Seemba is the Mobile Business Partner you have been waitingfor!It is very hard to create a website, get listed on Google, GoogleMaps, local directories and local aggregators.Seemba does this for you: all in once you create a website and putinformation of your business all over the internet!SEEMBA WEBSITE: THE FASTEST WEBSITE IN THE WORLDNo technical skills required! Everybody can create a beautifulwebsite in less than 60 seconds just by answering 7 simplequestions.Once you create the first version of your website, you cancustomize it as you want with more images, descriptions andservices.In less than 60 seconds you will have the fastest website in theworld, performing seamless with low connection and minimum dataconsumption! Your clients have never seen anything like this!YOUR FULL ONLINE PRESENCE: ONE TAP TO EVERYWHERESeemba will automatically put all the information about yourbusiness all over the internet so that you can manage your entireonline presence just by using Seemba.Be found on Google, maps, local directories and aggregators:wherever your clients are looking for a business like you, you willbe there.For the first time, all from one unique platform.WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?Download Seemba, build your website and manage all your onlinepresence from one unique platform to grow your revenue, everyday.As studies show, businesses with online presence generate doublethe revenue of offline competitors. Businesses with no onlinepresence are losing clients (and money!) every day and will go outof business within 3 years.Love Seemba?Follow us on